“I was extremely impressed by your book on the Rays and Nations. Your comparisons of France and the US were extremely insightful. I also thought your applications to business were extremely practical. This is an area that I have been working in for a number of years. I have incorporated your ideas in workshops I give for business people.”
~John Cullen, Ph.D., President, International Association for Managerial and Organizational Psychosynthesis.
Rhetorical Tricks of Staggering Ingenuity. “Every qualitative energy has its negative and human distortion. What are some of the negative characteristics of the third ray personality and the combined three-five influence? Jean-Francois Revel, a contemporary French writer, makes the following critique on certain aspects of French society: ‘One of the characteristics of French cultured circles is to oversimplify complex questions and wrap simple ones in Byzantine subtleties. This way they avoid saying anything—even when engaged in the simple matter of conveying information—and yet give the impression of great cleverness. They bring vast resources to bear and employ logical and rhetorical tricks of staggering ingenuity to put across a couple of banal and erroneous ideas. . . . The refusal to face problems squarely is compounded by an ability to find elaborate solutions to nonexistent ones.’ (Revel 35.)
“Manipulation can be done through the hand, the word or the will. It is not necessarily a bad thing, since so much depends on motive and level of development. Evasion, as characterized above, is one form of manipulation, and, of course, there are a great many other forms. We are alerted to its particular third ray quality through such descriptors as ‘great cleverness’, ‘rhetorical tricks of staggering ingenuity’ and ‘elaborate solutions.’
“There would be a tendency for the first ray type of will to evade something through brevity or through a cold politeness. The fourth ray type of harmony through conflict might evade something through humor (on a good day) or through negative and sometimes dramatic emotion (on a bad day). But the third ray type would tend to evade something through pretending that he is not evading it—thus, appearing to address the issue with ingenuity and cleverness, in a full and well articulated way, yet, in truth, not addressing it at all.” (Seven Rays and Nations 5)
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